Freedom: Sharon and Port Hurom Statement

1274 words 6 pages
How did the young conservatives who wrote the Sharon Statement understand freedom?
The Young Americans for Freedom was from a conservative point of view. It affirmed they considered to an affirmation of God’s’ will, affirming their beliefs in individual free will and liberty; the inextricable bond between economic freedom; the purpose of the government protecting freedom through preservation of internal order, national defense, and the administration of justice; the genius of the Constitution (especially the clause reserving power of the states); and the market economy as the single system compatible with freedom . . .Communism is named as the named as the greatest threat to democracy. (1) Despite the libertarians eventually being
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The SDS wanted to broaden the economic sphere to include workplace democracy and watchdog groups. They also wanted citizens to have greater say on the issues of war and peace. They also wanted to bring people back into decision making in general for the country, and especially for individuals. (6)
The SDS wanted more incentives than money or survival, but ones that were “educative, not stultifying; creative, not mechanical; self-directed, not manipulated; encouraging independence, a respect for others, a sense of dignity, and a willingness to accept social responsibility.”(6)
Although not implemented until 1971, the SDS was instrumental in passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
What are the main differences, and are there any similarities, between the outlooks of the young conservatives and the young radicals?
The SDS felt that citizens had been too passive about decisions made about the country, and wanted them to participate more in making those decisions. Rather than being an ideology or theory, the SDS wanted people to get out and do something – to act. One of the courses of action brought about through this belief was the burning of draft cards. The SDS was also actively involved working for civil rights. (7) They condemned racism. They believed liberalism was not enough. The SDS further believed on a war on poverty when the country was in midst of plenty. They opposed
