Fin/419 - Week 2 - Financial Outcomes Lt Paper

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Boeing Financial Outcomes
LT Team C: Mandy Turner, Kyle Smith, Kim Brown, Gary Kelly
June 27, 2011 Sarah Newton

Boeing Financial Outcomes In this paper Team C has selected to report financial outcomes for the Boeing Company. We will compare and contrast three potential financial outcomes that we envision for the initiative in using the most recent annual report and other financial statements. We will evaluate our discoveries to determine the most likely outcome. We will also include calculations that support our analysis of various financial outcomes and discuss the financial effect on Boeing. Boeing is the largest global aircraft producer that started in the mid-1916 and continues to grow by producing the biggest
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“Since the early 1960’s, Boeing has produced and launched more than 265 satellites” (Boeing N&SS, 2011 pg. 8). Satellites fall in the division of Space and Intelligence Systems. Three Geostationary Operations Environmental Satellites (GOES), GOES-N, GOES-O, and GOES-P have been recently delivered into space. These satellites are designed to work with NOAA and NASA to predict and track weather patterns and are examples of civil and commercial satellites. Weather is a regular discussion in the news. Tornados, hurricanes, typhoons, and severe flooding are issues that Boeing satellites are designed to handle. A second type of satellite produced by Boeing is the Wideband Global SATCOM. This satellite is an example of a military satellite. “Future versions will include a radio frequency bypass enhancement that supports airborne intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance missions requiring higher data rates” (Boeing N&SS, 2011, pg. 9).
In 2010 Boeing launched three commercial and civil satellites, and one military satellite and created $189 million in revenues according to the 2010 annual report. In 2009 a total of six satellites were launched, three civil and commercial and three military and revenues were $164 million. In 2008 only one civil and commercial satellite was launched and revenues were $178 million. 2008 revenues were high because of outside settlement. These are historical values that represent the optimistic,
