CRISIS 302 World Trade Center

1090 words 5 pages
Julie Johnson
CRISIS 302-B04
Liberty University
Movie Review
Submission Date: February 16, 2015

The movie “The World Trade Center begins with showing the audience how an average day might begin for residents of New York City. As the sun is coming up over the city subways are busy getting people to work, streets are jammed with traffic and your everyday noises of the city are heard. The movie quickly puts its focus on the civil servants that are getting ready for what they think is just another day in New York. The center of the movie revolves around two Port Authority Police officers Will Jimeno and Sgt. James McCoughlin who become trapped in the rubble after deciding to go in after the first plane hits.
As the
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It is important for the victim to feel safe to begin the process of stabilization. Once the interventionist gets the victim in a safe location it is important to assess their immediate needs. In most cases that need will be just having someone nearby that they can share with. It is important to listen to their accounts of the events that have taken place with a spirit of empathy. A victim of a traumatic event should be able to process how they are feeling and convey what they are going through without feeling judged. These are all important steps in alleviating a crisis.
Developing resiliency following a traumatic event involves having a strong social support. It is important for a crisis interventionist to be equipped with knowledge concerning what resources are available to the victims of such disasters so they can connect people. The crisis interventionist is only on the scene for a short time after the traumatic event has taken place. It is important for interventionists to know where to refer the victims of crisis so there is follow up once the interventionist leaves the scene.
Following a disaster, people are typically in shock which leaves them immobile. They do not have the cognitive functions to know what to do or who to be in contact with which is where the interventionist comes in. it is important for the interventionist to be prepared before going into the scene of a disaster. Having the


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