Body Organization and the Integumentary, Skeletal, and Muscular Systems Worksheet

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Body Organization and the Integumentary, Skeletal, and Muscular Systems Worksheet Organ Systems Label each of the structures, and describe the systems overall structure. NumberSystemCharacteristics 1Integumentary systemProtects underlying tissues. Provides skin sensation. Helps regulate body temperature. Synthesizes vitamin D.2Skeletal systemAttachment for muscles. Protects organs. Stores calcium and phosphorus. Produces blood cells.3Respiratory systemExchanges respiratory gases with the environment.4Nervous systemRegulates and integrates body functions via neurons.5Endocrine systemRegulates and integrates body functions via hormones.6Cardiovascular systemTransports nutrients, respiratory gases, wastes, and heat. Transports immune cells …show more content…

The number of fat cells remains relatively constant in the human body. If the number of fat cells is a constant number, how do people gain weight when becoming obese The numbers of cells dont increase but the volume of the fat cells increase. Muscle Tissue Label the parts of the organ or structure, and describe the structure and its function. NumberStructureCharacteristics Function 1Skeletal muscleLong cylindrical striated cells with many nuclei. Voluntary contractionResponsible for voluntary movement.2Cardiac muscleBranching striated cells, one nucleus. Involuntary contraction.Pumps blood through the body3Smooth muscleCells tapered at each end, one nucleus. Involuntary contraction.Contractions in digestive system move food along. When arranged in circle, controls diameter of tube. Describe where the tissue type is located and how each type of muscle tissue is controlled. Muscle TissueLocation Control Skeletal muscleMost are found attached to the skeleton.Voluntary ControlCardiac muscleFound in wall of heart.Involuntary controlSmooth muscleFound in walls of hollow internal organs, such as the intestines, and tubes, such as blood vessels.Involuntary Control The number of skeletal muscle cells (fibers) is relatively constant after puberty. Explain how muscle can grow. Muscle fibers through a cellular process where it fuses muscle fibers together to form new muscle protein strands or myofibrils.
