Applying Malcolm Knowles Andragogy Model to Isd

2297 words 10 pages
Applying Malcolm Knowles Andragogy Model to ISD

Abstract The way that an instructional designer defines learning and what is believed about the way learning occurs plays an important role in situations where the facilitator wants to make a change in how people do a job or they need to learn something new on the job. This paper focuses on Malcolm Knowles adult learning assumptions and how to apply them in instructional strategies and techniques for facilitating learning. It also explores some of the critics concerning his assumptions. Knowles assumptions concerning adult learning are each addressed and an example provided on how to apply these assumptions to ISD using technology. The information presented here provides the
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The result of allowing participants to be included in the planning process helps Knowles to emerge with a process design and procedures for facilitation in the training based on what the adult learner wanted. Knowles admits that his Adrogogy model is not realistic in every situation (CH 13 ASTD). He says that “pedagogical assumptions” are more likely to work in an environment when an adult needs to learn a new process or concept (ASTD pg 261). Over the years Knowles continued to study adult learning and eventually focused on combining, both pedagogy and androgy to gain the best result in training.

“Andragogy is “the best known ‘theory’ of adult learning,” and it “has also caused more controversy, philosophical debate, and critical analysis than any other concept/theory/or model proposed thus far” (pp. 249-250 Merrian and Caffarella 1991). The 1970s and early 1980s witnessed much writing, debate, and discussion about the validity of andragogy as a theory of adult learning (Merriam 2001). Most of the controversy revolves around the fact that there have been assumptions made about the difference between adult and childhood learning (Brookfield). Perhaps validity may be lacking in Knowles assumptions concerning Adult learning and there is confusion surrounding Androgy, is it a model or theory? Knowles
