A Commentary on, and Partial Analysis of, Nietzsche's Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Part 4, with Especial Reference to Discourses 11 to 20

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A Commentary on, and Partial Analysis of, Nietzsche's Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Part 4, with Especial Reference to Discourses 11 to 20

Although Zarathustra gains his happiness before the 'Fourth and Final Part' of Al Sprecht Zarathustra, that which he is most concerned with- his work, is still ahead of him in ' The Temptation of Zarathustra: an Interlude' (which Nietzsche viewed as the fourth part's "proper title in view of what already transpired and what follows" in the text as we find it abridged today). As an interlude, it bastardises the integrity of the previous three books if they are viewed as an artistic whole, and was only published in Nietzsche’s lifetime as a private run of 40 copies and only seven copies were circulated
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They are the camel-like weak romantics who have not as yet completed their transformation, nor ever will. For Nietzsche hardness and cheerfulness is always required of one who would view mankind from above, reveling in, but not pitying its highest crests which aspire ever higher.

When Zarathustra returns to his mountain cave in the darkening evening he hears from its mouth again the great cry of distress; whereupon he comes to realize that the cry is composed of the voices of those he 'passed by' and invited for succor in his dwelling as he encountered them in the morning light, and that they cry as one. Zarathustra makes it clear to his visitors that it is not they for whom he has been waiting, "Truly you may all be Higher Men... but for me- you are not high and strong enough.... You are steps: so do not be angry with him who climbs over you into his height! ...It is not for you that I wait here in these mountains... not men possessed of great longing, great disgust, great satiety, and that which you call the remnant of God... laughing lions must come!... Speak to me of my gardens, of my Blissful Islands, of my beautiful new race, why do you not speak
